Jorge Ciprian-Ollivier (Argentina)

  • Consultant Professor,
  • Chair of Psychiatry School of Medicine,
    University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Buenos Aires, Argentina 
Academic Education
1968 Professional degree: Medical Doctor
The Salvador University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1972 Professional degree: Psychiatrist
National Psychiatric Hospital “Dr. B. Moyano” Academic Unit,
National Ministry of Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina 
1985-1999 Full professor Chair of Psychopharmacology, for Post graduate specialization in Psychiatry, Moyano Academic Unit, Chair of Psychiatry, School of Medicine University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina
1999-2015 Senior researcher in Biological Psychiatry CONICET Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (National Scientific and Technical Research Council)
1971-2015 Uninterrupted research almost exclusively in the field of Biological Psychiatry both clinical and basic, including ethnobotanic hallucinogenic Amazonian plants that mimics schizophrenia: "ayahuasca"
1977 Translation of the HOD Test for schizophrenia to Spanish, the only one authorized by Hoffer and Osmond.
Following  years
Editor of the Journal of Biological Psychiatry together with Prof H.Beckmann.
Member of the editorial Board of the Latin American journal and many others in spanish language.
Participation in more than 20 books in Spanish and/or English, about 400 publications.
Oral presentations in Congresses and Symposiums.
1988 Editor and main author of the first book of Biological Psychiatry in Spanish  "Psiquiatría Biológica. Fundamentos y Aplicación Clínica"  (Biological Psychiatry.Fundamentals and Clinical Application) edited by Ed. Cientifica Interamericana 1ST Edition. Text book in several spano-speaking chairs.
Member of the Jury of National and International Awards.
1990 Research Prize of WFSBP, Young Investigator Travel Award
1991 Eli Lilly International Research Development Award, Research Prize of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry,
1995 Eli Lilly/W.F.S.B.P. International Research Development Award
1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Prize Biological Psychiatry “Dr. Braulio A. Moyano”
1997 Eli Lilli International Research Development Award, Research Prize of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry, Kraepelin Medal
1997 Max-Planck Institute
Scientific Societies and Associations – World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP)
1971 Participation in the foundation of the Argentine Society of Biological Psychiatry (the third in the world)
1974 Ist World Congress of Biological Psychiatry in Buenos Aires (Argentine),
September 24-28.
Coworker of Prof José A. Yaryura -Tobias in the organization of the scientific programme.
The WFSBP was founded during this Congress and Prof. Edmundo Fischer its first President.
1978 IInd World Congress of Biological Psychiatry in Barcelona, (Spain),
August 31 to September 6,
official delegate for the Argentinian Society.
1981 IIIrd World Congress of Biological Psychiatry Stockholm (Sweden),
June 28 to July 3,
official delegate for the Argentinian Society.
Elected First Associate Secretary Treasurer by the General Assembly.
1985 IVth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia (USA),
September 8-13
Elected IInd Vice-president of the WFSBP by the General Assembly
1991 Vth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Firenze (Italy),
June 9-14.
Elected President of the WFSBP by the General Assembly.
1997 VIth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Nice (France),
June 22-27.
Starting participation as Past President of the WFSBP the only now-elective position as per the by-laws.
2001 VIIth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry Berlin (Germany),
July 1-6.
Designated Honorary President by the General Assembly.
2009 IXth World Congress of Biological Psychiatry Paris (France),
June 28 to July 2.
Designated Member of the Honorary Committee of the WFSBP.

During the period 1981-1997 the following Societies of Biological Psychiatry were founded with the continuous support of Prof. Dr Jorge Ciprian Ollivier: Brazilian, Colombian, Chilean, Dominican, Ecuatorian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Moroccan, Paraguayan, and Peruvian.

Honorary President and Member of Honor in almost all of them, that organized very good Regional Congresses.

Other Full Memberships or Fellowships to be mentioned
1978 Canadian Schizophrenia Foundation
1983 Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry
1990 Member (Honorary) of Argentina Association of Psychiatrics (AAP)
1993 American Society of Biological Psychiatry
1994 Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum
1994 International Wernicke-Kleist-Leonard Association
2015 PhD dissertation “Rol de las indolalquilaminas en la fisiopatología molecular de la percepción" (Role of indolealkylamines in the rmolecular pathophysiology of perception). Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.